Film Rating (Out of Five):

Truth Rating:

Hidden Figures
#biopicspodcast #biopic #moviebasedonatruestory #basedonatruestory #basedonrealevents #factbasedmovie #NASA #Hiddenfigures #katherinejohnson #dorothyvaughn #heroic #apollo #spacerace #kevincoster #octaviaspencer #janellemonae #tarjiphenson #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #georgefloyd
What a surprise to see a piece of history that has never been brought to the forefront. "Hidden Figures" is an enjoyable, feel-good film, but does it provide the tribute the filmmakers intended? Listen as Rob and John talk about the White Savior Trope and white privilege in an episode that is topical and timely.​ Boy, do we have a lot of work to do.
Sources used for this episode include:
1. Hidden Figures - History Vs Hollywood
2. Dorothy Vaughn: NASA's "Human Computer and American Hero - Interesting Engineering
[Biopics (Mostly) Suck does not claim ownership of the information contained in the links above. The intent for providing the links to sources above is to provide due credit.]
#HiddenFigures #HumanComputers #NASA #DorothyVaughn #MaryJackson